WFD-46 5A Wi-Fi/DCC Booster with Auto Reverse and Variable Track Voltage

Regular price $120.00

The WFD-46 adds power districting to your DCC system.
You can install this Wi-Fi/DCC Booster on your layout to provide bipolar DCC encoded power to your track or layout accessories. The DCC peak to peak output voltage is adjustable to allow balancing of power districts and auto reverses as locos go over the gaps to keep the polarity the same. You can connect any DCC signal to its input that is compatible with the NMRA DCC standard.

A good choice is the WFD-27 Wi-Fi/DCC Command Station/Booster or the WFD-28 Command Station. These provide Wi-Fi control via a Web Browser, the WiThrottle app on iPhone, Engine Driver app on Android or the TCS UWT-100. You also use the WFD-46 with any other NMRA compatible DCC Command Station simply as an auto-reversing 5A booster.

You can chain these boosters to set up multi-power district, DCC layouts.


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